Monday, May 17, 2010

Something new to try

Well here I am trying something new for me and hopefully for all of you too! I'm going to start a supper club and post recipes from the dinners and encourage those who come to post their comments about what we enjoyed and what they might make again. There will be a combination of my recipes as well as other recipes from cookbooks, magazines and well just about anywhere!So that means once you get the hang of things you can have your own supper club with the recipes posted or send yours in and we can incorporate them into our rotation.

I will post what the "rules" of the supper club are so that it should make things easy to get started and make everyone happy. I am having my first supper club dinner party on Saturday this week and have entitled it Backyard Family Get Together.

So I will put together a blog post about how to get started and then we will get the ball rolling! Let's get going...

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